As you might remember, last year, 50 Cent and Busta Rhymes had a fight. It all started with 50 Busta clowns because they had the “strongest neck in hip hop”. Although this is a relatively harmless comment and 50 Cent has become the biggest instigator in hip hop, Busta does not underestimate the praise of the 50s lightly. This has led to a series of children’s pricking back and forth, with the latest development being 50 really praising Busta for her progress in the gym in April. But of course, when it comes to 50 – which can be as petty as a cartoon villain – it’s hard to say whether he is praising someone or taking subtle pictures.
For this reason, the latest Instagram post of the 50s about Busta physically makes us ready. In connection with the burly-looking Bus-a-Bus photo, 50 wrote, “Damn, Busta is arming my feet. LOL WHAT THE TF is going on the BUS”. Although this can be interpreted as astonishment at its strength, “LOL” and emoji who laugh may move this semi-friendly dispute in the wrong direction. Busta probably won’t be too happy when she finds herself a joke of the 50s once again. Considering the ever-increasing size of Busta, 50 still makes this comment indicating that he is truly afraid of anything and everyone is just a piece of self-use.